Wayne Federman
I met Wayne in the doorway of Catch A Rising Star at aound 4 AM on a Monday morning in the summer of 1978.We were among the first on line to pull numbers for auditions at 9:00pm, later that night. Wayne and I did a lot of time together in our formative years and I learned a lot about comedy and career management by watching and talking with Wayne. Wayne also taught me how to drive a stick shift. Despite the club being completely shut down due to the massive snow storm in January 2016 that shuttered half the east coast, Wayne cabbed over to a darkened Comic Strip to talk about the early days, the history of comedy and what I have taken to calling the "Wayne-aissance" that's happening right now. Special thanks to Shamus Mc Daid for unlocking the club in wake of the storm, making it possible to do this schmooze.

Wayne Federman Name Drops
Sara Silverman
Todd Barry
Mike Lawrence
Mike Lawrence's mom
Comix comedy club
Robert Klein
Red Skelton
Joey Bishop
Hiram Kastin
Rich Shydner
Jerry Seinfeld
Paul Reiser
Larry Miller
Rob Ross
Bill Hicks
Mitch Hedberg
Judd Apatow
David Ducovney
Amy Shumer
Vlad Comanyo
Yuk Yuks
David Feldman
Patton Oswald
Paul F Tompkins
Wayne Federman Film Festival
Dana Gould
Sklar Brothers
Sahsa Baron Cohen
Aziz Ansari
Margaret Cho
Jeneane Garofalo
Larry Wilmore
Henry Phillips
Sam Morril
Carol Leifer
Mike Rowe
Richard Shenkman